Let us help you with your

Mis-Sold Energy Contract Claim

Contract with an eye crossed through over the to of it to represent hidden fees

claims processed*

£ 1,234,000

*Figure from April 2023 & based on contracted spend

Claim back YOUR money on hidden fees & non-disclosed commissions

Since early 2023 we have been helping businesses assess and seek out remunerations on contracts that they have taken out from between 2016 to 2023. Trawling through contracts, bills and the maze of business structures to understand the validity of their claim.

This type of work and the claims we are helping businesses make is cutting edge and you’ll most probably only be hearing about it for the first time when you read this page. Or maybe you received one of those dreadful ads with a ‘British Gas Van’ or headlines that looked like they were from BBC news. We’ll there's none of that here, just straight up, straight talking facts and a passion to help other business owners.

All we need to see is your energy contracts from between 2016 and 2022. These alone we can probably tell us if you have a claim. Following this we will ask you for 1 years worth of bills for each contract. and between the contract and these we can 99% tell you if you have a claim.

pink star on blue background

What we need:

All we need to see is your energy contracts from between 2016 and 2022. These alone we can probably tell us if you have a claim.

Following this we will ask you for 1 years worth of bills for each contract. and between the contract and these we can 99% tell you if you have a claim.

Start your claim here.

start quotation mark

It’s not rocket science as we don’t pretend to be defying gravity with our service. It is simply experience and care which enable us to help you.

If you want to see if you have a claim click below.

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How have energy brokers mis-sold to businesses?

The question big question is… did your energy broker disclose to you how much in total they would make from arranging your business contract? The unfortunate fact is most didn’t, and there’s normally a good reason for this and that’s because of the healthy commission they were making from you.

Brokers know that if they had fully disclosed their commission then they would not make anything like the kind of commissions they do if they were transparent. Let’s be honest, would you sign up to a deal if you knew a significant chunk of your bill was going to your broker? No course you wouldn’t.

From what we have heard some brokers have even have told customers that the service was free, or that the broker got their commission from the supplier as an “finders fee” or word similar to this. Typically, most brokers receive their commission directly from the supplier they place you with, and it is built into the unit price they arrange for you. Often, this is not disclosed to the customer.

illustration showing that energy supplier charges 15p and then adds broker fee of 1p making 16p
contract showing 16p kwh bill and energy broker taking 1p of that

This 1p/kWh is the hidden commission they should have disclosed.

Frequently Asked Questions

To help you understand if you should make a claim we have gather the best information we can find to help you. These are straight up facts with no pie in the sky guesses or headline grabbing lies.

  • ANSWER: The most typical type of mis-sold energy is when the broker has failed to tell you there commission for arranging the contract. If your broker isn’t being transparent then it’s likely a good amount of your bill is going to the broker’s commission. This is often called a “service fee” or “introducer fee” and typically built into the unit price.

    A broker should be working in their client’s best interest, and you should not be paying for a contract where the broker has financial motives when recommending a deal. As any commission or fee is paid directly to the broker from the supplier you may not be aware of the added cost of your contract.

  • ANSWER: Claims can take anywhere between 6 – 18 months depending on the complexity of the case.

  • ANSWER: We have teamed up with some of the top law firms in this sector and provide bulk cases to them. The benefit of this is we get preferential terms, and our claims are prioritised because of the volume. You also get access to our dashboard so you can keep up to date with your case.

  • ANSWER: Each case is different, and it also depends on the value of the claim. Our experienced legal team will advise you of an estimated claim value once your case has been assessed.

  • ANSWER: The true answer is we don’t know. We are aware of many successful cases settled out of court, but to date none have made it to court. However, we own businesses and understand the impact the current energy costs are having on businesses and so we want to help other reclaim as much as possible.

  • ANSWER: We recommend submitting claims where your energy consumption is over the value of 40k for each claim. Yes that’s right you could have more than one claim! It is expected that the value owed to you would be round 25% of the value of the contract. From this value is deducted legal fees and our referral fee.

  • ANSWER: You can make as many as you like. A claim is seen as a energy source relating to a specific property where you used a broker. Each energy source and broker may count as a separate claim.

  • ANSWER: Our understanding is up to 6 years. This is all assuming you used an energy broker over the full time period that you are claiming for.

  • ANSWER: The legal team we use reclaim your funds back through the broker and the energy company.

  • No, the broker or supplier doesn’t pay VAT as the damages wouldn’t be goods or services.

  • To give full transparency we are paid through the solicitors we work with on a case by case bases. Our fee to them is roughly 33.3%% of the fee they charge for the case.

hidden fees contract symbol in blue and pink

Start Your Business Energy Claim today.

Contact us Monday to Friday & within 24hours we’ll be back in contact to speak with you about your contract and help you understand if there is a claim to be had or the next steps in assessing your claim.